One of my biggest issues is finally getting enough support to get on the California ballot. The way that animals are treated in factory farms is repugnant to me. I’m not against people eating meat, in fact my roommates (cats), are quite the carnivores. I am just against the inhumane and tortuous treatment of animals in these factory farms.
The "Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty Act" needs 650,000 signatures by February in order to get on the ballot in 2008. These signatures have to be collected by hand by a registered voter. I will get some petitions and collect signatures but I am particularly asking you to also collect signatures. Even 3 will really help. So if you feel the same way I do about factory farms please help out by collecting signatures.
Here is the information. If you are empathetic with beings in pain don’t open up the photo section on these web sites, but the volunteer page is ok.
This measure will put pressure on factory farms, which are among the most serious causes of resource depletion, pollution, and global warming. It will improve the lives of millions of animals in California by banning some of the most inhumane forms of confinement on factory farms: battery cages, gestation crates, and veal crates. (For more information please see
If you would like to receive a petition to sign and then circulate among your family and friends so that their signatures will count too, please sign up as a volunteer at